Sunday, August 13, 2006

Pilgrims and Puritans.

Due to several delays and a resulting missed flight connection, today I had the opportunity to read pretty much all of Nathaniel Philbrick's book Mayflower. The book struck me as quite similar to 1776 with lengthy descriptions of battles, marches, cold, near-starvation, etc. But it also helped to fill in a lot for me, as my knowledge of American history kind of skips over from the First Thanksgiving (which according to the book, wasn't even called that) to Paul Revere. It was also fascinating to read about the strength of the Pilgrims' convictions... I wonder how my faith would hold up under similar testing.

Anyway, I give the book one and a half thumbs up for informativeness... though I wish the author would have provided a little more narration about the facts of daily life during the first years in Plymouth (I just got the impression that most people died... maybe that's why not a lot of information is available), and about the Puritans (who founded Boston, as opposed to the Pilgrims, who were at Plymouth) and maybe condensed all the war stuff a bit.

If anyone is interested in borrowing my copy... let me know!

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