Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I said I would save my favorite quote from the book Proper Confidence for another post, so here it is:

“If the place where we look for ultimate truth is in a story and if (as is the case) we are still in the middle of the story, then it follows that we walk by faith and not by sight. If ultimate truth is sought in an idea, a formula, or a set of timeless laws or principles, then we do not have to recognize the possibility that something totally unexpected may happen.” -Proper Confidence, Leslie Newbigen, p.14.

The last 10 or so years in my life have been all about growing my capacity for faith... asking God to enter into situations which seemed hopeless, or at least un-redeemable, and to restore and transform them for His glory. During this time, Hebrews 11-12 has become such a precious passage of Scripture for me. Not only do I have the examples of so many heroes from the past to encourage me, but I am also part of the continuing story He is writing.

Of course, the big plot twist has already happened, oh, 2000 years ago, when the eternal God who created the universe, humbled Himself to take on the flesh of the very creatures who mocked and abandoned and ignored Him.

He made His dwelling among us and died a gory death for me and you.

And the story is not over; the God of the unexpected reigns. I think He loves to catch us unawares with whatever we were not hoping for and didn't even know that we desperately needed.

May our prayers be filled with the joyous expectation that He will act, even if we don't know how, and the confidence that His surprises will be altogether good.

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